Monday, March 7, 2011

Comcast CEO Signals Changes Coming for Pay-TV Companies

Comcast CEO Brian Roberts pointed out major changes that are occurring in the industry in his interview with The Wall Street Journal:

 1. The pay-TV companies, particularly the larger ones, are becoming their own systems integrators. They will program future STBs with the services they want to offer and the user interface they think is best. Roberts said Comcast is “bulking up on software engineers and relying on a new head of cable to speed up the company’s development processes.”

 2. Advertising will quickly become interactive. He said, “Everyone knows it should be there. It should be a great business opportunity. Now we’re in a lot more of those conversations to make it happen, whether it’s ratings or seamless technology or how to get programmers to experiment faster.”

 3. Asked about Netflix’ increasing size in the OTT market, Roberts said, “What used to be called ‘reruns’ on television is now called Netflix. We’re not seeing it cut into our core business, but we are glad as a producer of content to see the value of that content rising.”

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